Friday, September 17, 2021

A Calculated Whisk - VKM #10 - Great Escapes Blog Tour


Hello, dear readers! It's September, and on the 21st A Calculated Whisk, Vintage Kitchen Mystery #10 (I cannot believe it is #10!!) is released into the wild. To celebrate, I am having a book blog tour designed by the awesome Lori at Great Escapes Book Blog Tours. 

Follow along and comment at each stop, follow the rules, and you will be entered for the grand prize, which will be a $50 USD Amazon gift card!

I hope you all enjoy A Calculated Whisk... it was so much fun being back in Queensville again with Jaymie, Jakob and Jocie, and Jaymie friends, Valetta and Mrs. Stubbs, who both have important contributions to solving the mystery! And of course Hoppy is there!!

So... here is the schedule, and each day I will update the links to be to the actual blog that features A Calculated Whisk! ((Click on the Blog Tour graphic to go to the Great Escapes Page!))

A Calculated Whisk Book Blog Tour - September 17th - 24th

Day 1 - September 17th, 2021

Guest Post - Why Vintage Kitchen Mysteries? by Victoria Hamilton - Novels Alive

Review - This is My Truth Now

Spotlight - StoreyBook Reviews

Day 2 - September 18th

Review - The Avid Reader 

Spotlight - FUONLYKNEW 

Spotlight – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book 

Day 3 - September 19th

Review – Lisa Ks Book Reviews 

Author Interview – I Read What You Write 

Spotlight – Sapphyria's Book Reviews 

Day 4 - September 20th

* I'll also be appearing on Harry Rinker - antiques and collectibles expert - radio show 'Whatcha Got' for the last time! I'm on from 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM. Harry Rinker 'Whatcha Got'

Character Interview – Ascroft, eh? 

Spotlight - Celticlady's Reviews  

Day 5 - RELEASE DAY! - September 21st

Review – Cozy Up With Kathy 

Guest Post - Christy's Cozy Corners 

Spotlight – Thoughts in Progress 

Day 6 - September 22nd

Review – My Reading Journeys 

Character Guest Post – Literary Gold 

Spotlight – I'm All About Books 

Separate Post... not part of the tour!

Dru Ann's 'A Day in the Life' blog featuring Mrs. Martha Stubbs!

Day 7 - September 23rd

Spotlight – Brooke Blogs 

Review – Laura's Interests 

Review – Books a Plenty Book Reviews 

Day 8 - September 24th

Spotlight – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic 

Author Interview – Read Your Writes Book Reviews 

Spotlight – BookishKelly2020 

End of Tour 

Thanks everyone... Lori, bloggers! I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the book... let me know!



Monday, August 30, 2021

Mystery Lovers Kitchen - A Calculated Whisk GIVEAWAY!


Hello all! Good Monday to you...

Yesterday was my day at Mystery Lovers Kitchen, (promoting my September release, A Calculated Whisk, Vintage Kitchen Mystery #10!) where I have an awesome recipe and where I’m giving away a great prize ($25 dollar Amazon gift card!) and AAARGH, wouldn’t you know it?? I was without internet ALL DAY!!

However… the blog is still up, the giveaway is still active!

Check out my September release, A Calculated Whisk (Vintage Kitchen Mystery #10) now available for pre-order!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Calculated Whisk - Available NOW for pre-order!

Hello, everyone... I hope your summer has been great... I've spent it on this, getting A Calculated Whisk ready for publication and it is now available for pre-order!! It will be coming out September 21st, but don't wait... order now!!

You can pre-order as an ebook, or as a paperback from Amazon USA and Barnes and Noble.


Amazon Canada:

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes & Noble:




Amazon USA:

Barnes & Noble:

In other news, I WILL be doing a blog tour starting September 17th, running through September 24th, some fun blog stops, and I will be giving away, at the end of it, a $50 USD Amazon gift card, entry open to everyone! As well, I will be doing other blog stops along the way, so... stay tuned!

Have a great end-of-summer!

Warmest regards,

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cozy Up With Kathy: A Calculated Whisk - A Cover Reveal

Cozy Up With Kathy: A Calculated Whisk - A Cover Reveal: Today I'm proud to share the cover reveal for A Calculated Whisk by Victoria Hamilton. This book is the tenth in the Vintage Kitchen Mys...

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Keep It Cool - A Summer Recipe!


 It's a holiday weekend here in Canada, so... time to think about FOOD!! LOL.


Old-Fashioned Too-Many-Beans-To-Count Bean Salad

By: Victoria Hamilton

 When it’s too hot to cook, I usually pull out the oldest of vintage staples… the bean salad! It is pretty, and tasty (I now think, tho’ my seven year old self would not agree) and great to take to a pot luck. It stores well, and keeps for quite a while. It makes lots and is a great veg/carb side when potatoes, rice or pasta just won’t do the trick, and it is pretty much diet-friendly! I call that a super food. So, here is my Old Fashioned Bean Salad recipe! (I first shared this on Mystery Lovers Kitchen a couple of years ago!) 

Old Fashioned Bean Salad


Cans of beans: Green, Wax (Yellow), (10 ounce cans) a Bean Mix and Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) as well as, if you like, Cannellini, or White Kidney Beans. Your choice, but limit it to four small/medium cans of beans total for the amount of dressing this makes. I happen to like Chickpeas, but if you don’t, just use another can of mixed beans.

 * Sweet Onion like a Vidalia, Spanish or Bermuda: half cup, chopped to your own taste… I like mine finely diced.

*Red (or orange, green, yellow) Pepper: half cup, chopped, again, to your taste. I like a fine dice, but you may prefer big happy chunks of pepper!

*½ cup Celery, chopped.

*Scant palm full of Parsley and Basil, chopped. Omit if you’re not fond of herbs.

*½ cup any clearish light-flavored oil; canola is my choice.

*½ cup white vinegar: plain, white wine, or apple cider; your taste, your choice. Use plain white vinegar if you’re not sure. I used a blend of white wine vinegar and plain white, because though I love the flavor of white wine vinegar, it has a very specific fruity flavor.

*½ to ¾ cup white sugar; I do something in between because ¾ cup is too much, to me, though most of the recipes I’ve seen call for it.

*½ tsp black pepper

*½ tsp celery salt or regular salt


1 - Combine the oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside.

2 - Drain all the beans. I like to chop the green and yellow beans to smaller sizes consistent with the chickpeas, etc.

3 - Dice the onion, celery and peppers and mix completely in a large bowl with the beans.

4 - Cover with the dressing and mix well. Store it in the fridge in a large container. Let it marinate at least 24 hours before trying it. If you taste it too soon you will think it bland; it will be better than it tastes at first… TRUST me! If you think there is too little dressing, you can always make another batch and pour it over. If you don’t, and the dressing doesn’t cover the beans, mix the salad up every day so the beans soak in the flavor. 

Then… enjoy! A welcome addition to a barbecue, and you can make it ahead. In fact, it will stay good in your fridge for at least three weeks, a good and good-for-you accompaniment for cold summer meals.

Enjoy the May 24th – Victoria Day Holiday, Canada!!


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Bookmark Giveaway!


Do you like pretty bookmarks?

Do you like giveaways?

How about giveaways of pretty bookmarks?

Check out my Facebook author page - Victoria Hamilton Mystery Author - for a fun giveaway...

Follow me here:

Friday, March 19, 2021

Double or Muffin - The Reviews Are In!


Double or Muffin (Merry Muffin Mystery #7)
by Victoria Hamilton

The reviews are in, and reviewers LOVE Double or Muffin!

For fans of cozy mysteries, baking, bed-and-breakfasts, opera, and small-town shenanigans, this is a wonderful series . . .

Hamilton brings all the drama of the entertainment world, complete with the shy newbies and the divas.

~This Is My Truth Now

Fast-paced and fascinating, you won't want to put this book down, but you will jump at every bump in the night.
~Laura's Interests

Double or Muffin is a lively cozy mystery with problematic prima donnas, mouthwatering muffins, a cunning cat, missing materials, a prying reporter, and attractive operatic arias.
~The Avid Reader

Double or Muffin was a fun, entertaining mystery and I loved every minute of it.
~Moonlight Rendezvous

I immediately connected with the author’s writing style, with her witty & smart first person narrative.
~Reading Is My SuperPower

The mystery is a real challenge. The plot within the reality show itself was fun. Virtually everyone has secrets to hide that eventually come to the surface.
~Diane Reviews Books

DOUBLE OR MUFFIN takes the drama of opera and mixes it with the salacious gossip of a tabloid with nods to current social issues to create a perplexing and eminently enjoyable mystery.
~Cozy Up With Kathy

a varied mix of clues that will keep you guessing until it all plays out with some surprising results. I especially love her kitty who is quite the character in his own right. A really fun read that is sure to delight fans of cozy mysteries.
~Books a Plenty Book Reviews

I loved the cover. A room I would love to live in. The cover drew me and made me want to turn the pages.
~My Reading Journeys

Monday, March 1, 2021

Book Blog Tour and so much MORE!


Hello, dear readers...

Today's the day. My book blog tour to promote Double or Muffin begins, and I am also at Dru Ann Love's blog with TWO features!

First... Dru Ann... Check out what Lizzie has to say, AND a little inside scoop on Pish Lincoln!

Blogging with Dru Ann:

A Day in the Life of... Lizzie Proctor

Questions & Answers with Pish Lincoln

Great Escapes Book Blog Tour Schedule:

Don't miss my Great Escapes Book Blog Tour and enter everyday for a BIG giveaway of a $50 USD Amazon Gift Card!! Check back EVERY DAY for the updated blog links!


March 1 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT

March 1 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

March 1 – This Is My Truth Now – REVIEW

March 2 – Literary Gold – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 2 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

March 2 – ebook addicts – SPOTLIGHT

March 3 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

March 3 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW


March 4 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 4 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 4 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 5 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

March 5 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW  

March 5 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

March 6 – I Read What You Write – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 6 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLGHT

March 7 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – RECIPE POST

March 7 – Baroness Book Trove – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 7 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 8 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 8 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

March 8 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST

March 9 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 9 – Diane Reviews Books – REVIEW

March 9 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – REVIEW        

March 9 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

March 10 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – SPOTLIGHT

March 10 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

March 10 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT

March 10 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW


That's all for now... I'll be back!!

With Love...


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sign up for my newsletter and RECIPES!

Hello, Dear Readers!

Starting with Double or Muffin, ALL recipes will be available only to subscribers to Victoria Hamilton Mysteries newsletter. To sign up go to my website, and find the Newsletter sign up icon. 

And tomorrow you'll be able to make these!! 

Look for a newsletter in your email box tomorrow with a delicious recipe!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Double or Muffin Book Blog Tour - Coming Monday, March 1st!


Hello, dear readers...

Just a reminder that beginning March 1st, I will be on virtual tour for Double or Muffin, and will be hosting giveaways, too!

March 1st I kick things off with appearance on the fabulous Dru Ann Love's blog with a look at the life of Pish Lincoln, and a Day in the Life of Lizzie Proctor, Girl Photographer!

So... watch this space.

Oh, AND... March 1st I will be sending out a newsletter with the first of the two muffin recipes from Double or Muffin. Be sure you don't miss the recipes from my mysteries by signing up for the newsletter on my website!

Victoria Hamilton Mysteries

Book Tour info and links to come...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Double or Muffin - Available NOW!


Double or Muffin

Out NOW!

It's out, and if you pre-ordered it, the book landed on your device in the night... I'm so anxious to hear what you all think. I loved writing the book, and had so much fun... even the research was fun! (Think... cat videos fun!)

So... if you haven't already done it, go to my webpage and sign up for my newsletter. That's the only way you'll get the recipes from the book! My publisher and I made the choice to do it that way, and I hope it's not a disappointment, but it will allow me to include more about the recipe AND photos of the finished product, so... it seemed like a win/win!

So... sign up and starting with the March 1st newsletter you'll get a delicious muffin recipe in your inbox!

March 1st also happens to be the day my book blog tour begins, and check back here for info when it starts... I'm doing a giveaway, and will likely do some giveaways on Facebook as well!

So... check me out on social, sign up for my newsletter and watch for my blog tour here!

Website: (Sign up for her newsletter for all the latest and the recipes from my books!)

On  Facebook:

On Twitter:

On Instagram:

Monday, February 22, 2021

Last Sale Day & Fresh Fiction Guest Blog!


Hello, dear readers,

Business first... today is the LAST day to pre-order the ebook of Double or Muffin for a dollar off! Check out my site for links: Victoria Hamilton Mysteries

While you're there... sign up for my newsletter because... recipes mentioned in the book will no longer be in the book, but will be delivered directly to your email box via my newsletter! I will be sending out two muffin recipes that way in the coming week or so, so... sign up!

And finally... I am on Fresh Fiction today guest blogging about... reality TV, singing shows, and the inspiration for Double or Muffin! Check it out... Fresh Fiction

Fresh Fiction/ Victoria Hamilton/Reality TV and Singing Competitions.

I'm so excited to see what you all think of Double or Muffin, so always... feel free to email me your comments, or find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, especially since I will be having a few giveaways on Facebook for release day, AND there will be a big giveaway on my Book Blog Tour, coming March 1st!

That's all for now... see you soon, dear readers! Happy Reading!


Find me online and on social:

Website: (Sign up for her newsletter for all the latest!)

On  Facebook:

On Twitter:

On Instagram:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Last Weekend of the Sale!! A Buck Off Double or Muffin Pre-Order


Tuesday, February 23rd Double or Muffin (Merry Muffin Mysteries #&) comes out.

But before then, you can pre-order it for a dollar off...  just $3.99 USD!!

Coming Monday... I have a guest blog on Fresh Fiction coming on Monday, February 22nd, and I will also be doing some giveaways on Facebook, so...

Check me out! Follow me on Facebook (link below!) for all of the upcoming giveaways!

Order links are on my webpage!

Website: (Sign up for her newsletter for all the latest!)

On  Facebook:

On Twitter:

On Instagram: